We are pleased to announce that on 25th May, two of our technical experts will be presenting on ‘Best Practices in Validating Methods for Use in Pharmaceutical Product Testing’. This webinar will take place at 3PM London / 10AM New York and will be jointly presented by our microbiology Business Manager, Dr. Lynne Murdoch and our lead Research & Development Scientist, Dr. Joanna Greenhough.
Our speakers will discuss both microbiological and in vitro method development requirements and challenges, including the study aspects which must be considered in validation protocols intended for regulatory submission.
As method development is a valid concern for all those involved in the design, testing or manufacture of pharmaceutical products, we invite you to join us for both the discussion and a brief Q&A session afterwards.
Registration is now open and we welcome you to join us on May 25th. If you would like to attend this free webinar, please register from the online landing page located here.