It was a specialised event directed at people from medical device sector, with a focus on design, manufacturing, supply or testing of devices and appliances which are aimed at use in the healthcare industry. The majority of exhibitors were based in the UK, however there were some representatives from Ireland, Germany, USA, Sweden, South Africa, Switzerland, Monaco, Norway, Belgium, Denmark and the Far East. There was a significant variety of offerings in the way of products and services> Wickham’s delegates were interested in learning about developments in the medical device industry, looking at equipment alternatives, as well as learning of new companies entering the market and an opportunity to conduct market research. The event was a great opportunity to meet new business partners and a lot of emphasis was placed on networking. The venue itself and the setup of stands were ideal in the way that there was plenty of light and space for both exhibitors and visitors. The event was held over two days so we will wait to hear on general feedback. There are similar events organised in different parts of the world, e.g. France, Russia or India, so there are plenty of opportunities for businesses to take part in getting their name out among the global medical device industry community.